You can use the databases below for current information from newspapers on climate change and environmental issues. It's important to evaluate sources of all kinds, and some of these questions might be relevant for analyzing and thinking critically about news articles:
Comprehensive digital coverage back to 1980 is available for this internationally renowned U.S. newspaper, searchable in a Proquest database.
Comprehensive coverage back to 1984 from the world’s leading financial newspaper.
Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Full text of over 1300 newspapers, news websites and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world. The database includes the backfile for most newspapers, providing access to articles, columns, editorials, obituaries and features published in each paper.
These are alternative news sources that might include relevant recent news stories about your research topics. As you use these sources, some of these questions might be relevant: