Access about 15,000 business, legal, and news sources, including federal and state case law, full-text articles from law reviews and journals, company and industry information, articles from more than 2,500 newspapers, federal regulatory documents, and international news sources. Nexis Uni includes local, national, and international sources.
HeinOnline Academic includes reference sources and reports, including legal reports, in many subject areas, including history, political science, criminal justice, religious studies, international relations, women’s studies, pre-law, and many more. With more historical content than any other database, HeinOnline provides access to 300+ years of information on political development and the complete history of the creation of government and legal systems around the world. Collections include Civil Rights and Social Justice, LGBTQ+ Rights, Gun Regulation and Legislation in America, Open Society Justic Initiative, and Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture, and Law.
Library databases have access to articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Every database has different content. This makes it important to use a database that has content on the subject you are researching. In addition, be sure to search in more than one database to find information.
Check out these recommended databases to get started:
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 4,770 full-text journals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. This multi-disciplinary database offers an enormous collection of the most valuable full-text journals, providing users access to critical information from many sources unique to this database. This database is an excellent source of peer-reviewed, full-text for STEM research, as well as for the Social Sciences and Humanities.
This database supports research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends; includes U.S. and international scholarly journals, correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and other relevant material. The database includes abstract and indexing for 250 titles, with more than 100 available in full-text.
Access about 15,000 business, legal, and news sources, including federal and state case law, full-text articles from law reviews and journals, company and industry information, articles from more than 2,500 newspapers, federal regulatory documents, and international news sources. Nexis Uni includes local, national, and international sources.
Full-text scholarly journals in sociology and related areas of study. These include criminology & criminal justice, demography, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, political sociology, religion, social development, social psychology, social work, and socio-cultural anthropology. In addition to the full-text journals included in the database, extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, periodicals and other non-periodical content sources is also included.
Use Boolean Operators (AND/OR/NOT) to broaden or narrow your search.
AND - will narrow a search. All search terms must appear in a record
OR - will broaden a search. Either or both terms may appear
NOT - will narrow a search. The term following “not” won’t appear in a record.
Other search tips: