October 15: Voter registration deadline
October 26: Early in-person voting starts
Polls are open from 10am–8pm Monday through Saturday and 10am–6pm on Sunday.
October 29: Deadline for requesting absentee ballot by mail
November 3: Final day of early in-person voting
November 4: Last day to request absentee ballot in-person
Obtain an absentee ballot from the County Clerk's office by 3pm.
November 5: Election Day
The last day for you to vote in-person or cast your absentee ballot. Polls are open from 6am–8pm, and mailed ballots must be postmarked by this date.
Do you have concerns about election integrity? The United States has a long history of free and fair elections, and the continuation of our system of government relies on the citizenry's faith in the democratic process. Our elections are administered by thousands of county-level officials across the country, making it highly unlikely that any effort to overturn an election result through nefarious means would be successful.
But unfounded claims that foreign enemies, dead people, or non-citizens have any kind of direct part in determining election results undermine the public's confidence in the election process and make it hard for citizens to cast legitimate votes.
Use the resources below to learn more about the logistics involved in conducting an election and why no effort to prove the existence of widespread voter fraud has been successful.