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Liberal Arts Education

What are the benefits of a Liberal Arts education?

Professor Joanne Ryan (Art)

A liberal arts education is most valuable for it liberates one's mind from narrow and provincial thinking and prepares one for life. In my own experience as a student, it opened my mind to history so I could learn from and revere it, science so I could understand the laws of nature, languages and art so I could communicate verbally and symbolically, philosophy so I could explore the why of experience, and theology so I could reflect on ultimate questions and spiritual concerns. Habits of reflective, critical and creative thinking were instilled as well as a love of learning that I enjoy to this day. For all of this I am most grateful to Caldwell College for Women, now Caldwell University!

Professor Edith Ries (Education)

A liberal arts background opens up so many doors for one. What a thrill, as we travel through life, to be given the opportunity to expand horizons. That liberal arts experience is only the beginning. Enjoy the intellectual ride!


Broad exposure and acquisition of: various aspects of facts, processes, methodologies, and knowledge.