Library News

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Welcome back to all of our returning students, we are so happy to see you! And to all incoming freshmen…WELCOME TO CALDWELL! 

Here are just a few of the many helpful resources that the Jennings Library has to offer:

Group study rooms!

We have 4 group study rooms available in the Library. Rooms can be booked for up to 3 hours a day. You can reserve a study room here! If you're just looking for a quiet place to study solo, the Rotunda on the second floor is a designated quiet-study area, and there are desks tucked away in the stacks that are also nice and quiet.


We have a selection of textbooks available on Course Reserve. These books are located at the Information Desk. They can be checked out for 2 hours and are for Library use only. You can search here to find out if we have your textbook!

Remote printing!

Learn more here about how to print using your own device! You can also use any of the Library's desktop computers to print.

Laptops and Chromebooks!

Caldwell University students can check out a laptop or Chromebook from the Library. They can be checked out for a semester loan, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. You can ask about checking out a laptop or Chromebook at the Information Desk.

Research and citation help!

Ask a friendly librarian for help with finding and citing sources for your assignments! You can stop by the Information Desk if you're on campus, or you can chat with a librarian online. You can also schedule a one-on-one appointment with a librarian. We are here 7 days a week!

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Looking for something to read this summer? We've recently added some new and exciting e-books to our collection! You can access these e-books from anywhere, anytime - just log in using your Caldwell NetID and password. Below are some featured titles…you can find these e-books (and many more!!) by browsing in ProQuest EBook Central or through the search box on the Library homepage. 


Happy reading!!

The most comprehensive collection of e-books, with more than 125,000 e-books from a broad range of subject areas including business, education, humanities, social sciences, and science.

Art e-books:

Hidden in Plain Sight: Concealing Enslavement in American Visual Culture
Hiroshige's One Hundred Famous Views of Edo


Precious Beyond Measure: A History of Korean Ceramics

Art therapy e-books:

Art Therapy Directives: An Intervention Toolbox
Community Art Therapy: Theory and Practice
Assessment in Art Therapy






History & Political Science e-books: 

Native American Women Leaders: Fourteen Profiles
Nepal: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present
African American activism and political engagement: an encyclopedia of empowerment

Theology e-books: 

Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought
Migration and the Making of Global Christianity
Catholic Social Activism: Progressive Movements in the United States













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